It can often be quite hard to think of the online world as a physical entity. For one thing, it isn’t tangible, but it’s still eerie how holding up a ruler to measure something on your screen can blur that distinction momentarily. This, by the way, brings me to an old bone I’ve had to pick with Windows for some time now; how come we don’t have a native solution to onscreen measurement? Holding out your thumb or fingers just isn’t feasible when you want to quantify a window’s dimensions or calibrate the distance between two objects. Well, you could try ScreenRuler to give you some sense of onscreen scale. Let’s find out more about this helpful little utility after the jump.
ScreenRuler is a portable app and doesn’t require installation; just extract the contents of the downloaded zip file and run the EXE file. The ruler appears immediately on top of any files or documents you have open.