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Kali- Booting With Usb

Making a bootable Kali Linux isn't a big task to perform its as simple as 1,2,3 for even a beginner with this tool you'll see in post
And Trust me You'll Love to Use it When You Start it once.

Benefits Of Universal USB Installer

  1. Its so easy to use.
  2. It boots any type of OS You want to. Trust me From Windows To Ubuntu It installs it all without an error.
  3. It's fast. Really Fast

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Utsav Singla

Kali- Changing Shortcuts

Kali Shortcuts aggghhh they are creepy tough to do. And specially all my backtrack friends and windows guys.. Its rather easy not to use easy shortcuts in Kali or...

Change The Shortcuts As U Like

Isnt that funny to hear?? No I am serious peeps this is pretty easy to do. Jst browsing through my distribution i found this little secret in kali.

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Utsav Singla
Finally a whole lot of serious hacking is gonna be on line on my newly designed blog.
Well do 3 series.
1 Kali series.
2 Metasploit.
3 Serious Hacks :P

So lets give it off with first and the most important series i see is KALI. 

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Utsav Singla