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Enable Snapping Mode In Windows 8

One Of the finest Feature of Windows 8 presented by Microsoft is Snapping

It is a mode Which divides a screen not in 50-50 but in 30-70 ratio.Its the best Thing You Can Use Two apps together in one screen but one of the disadvantage of this feature is that it requires to Have A High Resolution Monitor Of 1366*768 which in most of the cases Is not possible so here is the key to break it and here it is how it goes. There are two things can be done 1 is by using a software and second is through Hacking your registry and I'm gonna explain both of them

First By Software

 So You just have to download the software Download (Alternate Link). It will show two options that is Enable Windows 8 Snap Feature And second of disabling it. You just click on enable and your work is done 

 Second By Registry Hack

First of all Open Run Command by pressing Win+R. Then type regedit  and then hit enter. This will open up your  Registry editor. Now Navigate to


Now Under the  ImmersiveShell key, create a new key AppPositioner By right clicking.

Now select the newly created  key “AppPositioner” and in right-side pane, create a new DWORDAlwaysEnableLSSnapping and set its value to 1.

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